Friday, January 15
My Life - 01/15/10
So.... exhausted. Blah.
So once again, not as advertised, this will be my only post today, because of my crippling tiredness and the fact I have an early morning and full day of work tomorrow.
So shizznizzle on my mind. Not a whole lot. The Broadway revue Lan and I are planning is going to be sweet once we can set a set list, but we'll do that tomorrow. I have Improv in the am, and a work shop with Julian on Monday. I had a relaxing bath featuring candles and John Mayer this evening. Sunday I will be working on history all evening. During the first few days of exam week I'll have time to finish those pieces for unfiltered smoke. Yay.
Again sorry for the shittyness of the blog, but it'll be back to normal soon.
Thursday, January 14
Strikes even closer to home.
My thoughts go out to Superintendent Lisa Gallagher tonight.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Text "Haiti" 90999 to help the relief effort.
Regular blogging will return tomorrow.
If you can please donate money to Haiti through the red cross.
WHS is planning several upcoming fundraisers, if you'd like to donate through the school contact me, Richard Blaquiere, or Lesley McBride.
Wednesday, January 13
My Life - 01/13/10
My thoughts are still with the people of Haiti. Tragedy sucks.
So several food feeding my thoughts other than Haiti. Moving from natural tragedy to media tragedy: FOX News. WTF!? I seriously couldn't have any less respect for this joke of an origination. So last night I'm sitting at home and feeling in the mood for some shits and giggles, so what do I do? Turn on some good ol' republican bullshit. So of course, this being a news station, they were reporting on Haiti. They are a multi-million, maybe billion, dollar corporation and the best "expert" they could get was a dermatologist who had visit Haiti. Not a person who was in Doctor's without borders, or maybe a scientist who studies earth quakes. A young woman with a degree in skin care. Among other things I've seen them interview a man who said that legalizing gay marriage will increase the abortion rate.
Think about it.
What else makes me laugh: ABC Comedy Wednesday. Modern family is the definition of brilliance. Just side splittingly funny. There is something taboo about the issues, but there is a pure honesty about it. It is so real and couldn't be funnier. Television gold. The Middle: a show I hadn't heard about until a few hours ago. The Middle: a show that everyone should be watching. ABC is the gods of making TV families hilarious. Next Wednesday check out both of these shows.
Turning it over to CBS I believe How I Met Your Mother is possibly my favorite thing (Behind Lost) on TV right now. The 100th episode was comedy at it's best and ending with a Neal Patrick Harris led musical number. Pure gold. We are truly in a golden age for most media.
So I missed An Education. The thing that sucks about me is I can't manage money for my life. So I had no money and missed what had to be an amazing show.
The posts I promised I will not be putting on, I'm sorry, but school is making me too busy right now. More to come tomorrow.
an education,
fox news,
How I met Your mother,
modern family,
neal patrick harris,
Tuesday, January 12
My Views - Federal and Provincial Politics.
So I love politics. I'll give you a brief over view of my political beliefs. I am a liberal socialist who believes in equity for all, as long as the country as a whole can thrive and produce. I believe in freedom and funding for arts. I hate war and don't think there is a place for Canada in it unless the world is in peril. In Canada I'd love to see a Jack Layton led country, but in my riding based on the last election the Green Party had the best candidate. Also are world is all we have in the end, so let's not destroy it.
In the following I will talk about two issues: Stephen Harper's decision to prorogue parliament and the sale of NB power.
Stephen Harper's Totalitarianism Rule Continues.
Big statement, eh? Probably a bit of an over statement, but you're a greedy ass bastard who doesn't have the best interest of the country in mind. You shut down parliament for months because you want even more power. The Liberal majority in the senate is the only light at the end of this awful tunnel. Our system is broken enough with a first past the post voting system that doesn't allow the Green Party, who won 13% of the vote, one seat in the house. That's a HUGE part of the population that isn't represented in our decision making process, however that's another topic. By pausing our countries progress and essentially putting us month behind other countries you are not showing that you are, not only an idiot, but that you have your own agenda. You lied to your voters and have inconvenienced, not just me, but EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN CANADA.
Hang Me! I support our Premier's Decision.
Hey economy? How've you been? Down in the dumps? That sucks, what are you doing to change that? What's that? Becoming more Socialist? Sounds like a great plan.
Hey N.B. Public. Fuck off. We've been taught to fear Socialism and Communism, because its evil. Well I have news for you. This is the best case scenario. Sure, we could have bargained more, but look at it this way: our failing economy is the worst in Canada. This will eliminate a HUGE amount of debt, have someone else who has some of the best power rates in the world, and take over our power situation which has been flawed for years and invest in green alternative fuels and energy.We are going to have cheaper power, healthier environment, and could possibly turn around this mess of a province. This could be the start of a new era in NB, Atlantic Canada, and all of Canada: A turn towards a better future. I support this with all my being. Although I haven't hit on all the points I know them and overall I know I feel this is right.
My Life - 01/12/10
No matter what happens I will ALWAYS have THUNDER PRIDE!

Good job tonight boys. Great game.
Moving on, I may have been premature on my news item of the day. Devastation in Haiti. Although I'm not a religious person by any means, but my thoughts are with the people of Haiti and my friend Allie Cat and her family. I love you and I'm here for you. I hope, with all my heart, your little girls are alright.
Tomorrow I should have an article I've been working on about my local paper, but for other article like that it might be a bit. I'm really pressed to get two done for Jason Wilson and NSCAD submission, but after those are done I will post all sort of stories, tales, pieces, and just my work.
Tomorrow I have a double dipping of improv. Tomorrow's going to be a good hump day.
News items of the day: Tobey's Out, Vatican vs. Avatar
Today's top stories come from film, fantasy, and comics.
The in the world of comics no hero is as popular as Spiderman. In the world of comic adaptations Spiderman movies are close to the top. The last three movies have had Tobey Maguire heading the cast with Sam Raimi heading the crew. Well the actor and director have been given the boot in favor of a retooling of the iconic franchise. After months of rumors and stories about behind the scenes disagreements and struggles Sony Picture opted for a new s
pin for the web-slinger. Slated to come out in summer 2012 the new take on the series will focus on Peter Parker's struggles as Spiderman in high school. In my opinion they've went this root because the 34-year-old Maguire was getti
ng a bit old for the role as well as the success of the animated series, The Spectacular Spiderman. Its no surprise that this came out and its about time, I mean they could wait until 2099 to retool this franchise. (Oh! Pun.)

The other big news come from the Vatican. The media outlet from the spiritual leading capital criticized Avatar it for its "spiritualism linked to the worship of nature." So this isn't the first time the Vatican has criticized something for its opposition to the Christian fate, though this was by no means an attack by James Cameron. What came as a surprise was that wasn't the Vatican's biggest problem with the currently second top grossing film ever. They insulted Cameron's plot as "bland" and "unoriginal". Finally, me and the Vatican agreeing on something. While Avatar is visually stunning and ground breaking their isn't much substance. Now I'm not saying I didn't love it, I did, but the point of the matter is this film's hype is a bit too much for my likings. These comments will unlikely damage Avatar's box office success and even if it does, at this point it doesn't matter.
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