This week's TV series is:
Kenny vs Spenny

This show is pure brilliance. Hilarious, smart, en
tertaining, lude, and just a pleasure to watch. The format is each week they compete against each other is competitions ranging from the normal (Who can win a ten mile race, who can stay awake the longest, etc.) to the bizarre (Who can "69" longe
st, who can wear a
chicken coop on th
eir head the longest, etc.) Kenny is ofter the victor by cheating, however the fair playing Spenny does win occasionally. The loser must perform a humiliation the victor chooses. Though the humor may be lost on some people who get offended or grossed out easily, if you give the show a chance there is no way you cannot deny the comedic genius of these two best friends.
Brett's Favorite Episode
Season 3 Episode 3.
"Who can wear a dead octopus on their head the longest"

This week's musical artist is:
The Eagles

Although I've been on an indie bender with Arcade Fire and
Phoenix, I revisited the Eagle's greatest hits and knew why I didn't delete this classic group when my musical taste started to change. My dad and I always have had similar tastes is music. Both of our favorite bands are Supertramp and anything with Jack White. So I'm thinking for me it's a biological attraction to the Eagles' easy listening rock. The stories the lyrics tell are timeless. Tails of cheating, just living life, and love are fables anyone can relate to. The music itself is nothing short of spectacular. The harmonies just make me squee inside.
Favorite Eagles' Song
Tie between Witchy Woman and Seven Bridges Road.
I love Witch Woman because the harmonies on the chorus are to die for and the heavy drum beat is one that my heart sets itself to while listening. Seven Bridges Road is un-fucking-believable. My favorite harmonies of all time.
This week's song is:
Richard Harris' Macarthur Park
One word to describe this metaphor filled song is epic. With huge orchestral breaks, Harris' extremely high voice, and just the image of that beautiful cake. Though the song has been heavily criticized over the ages I still enjoy. I came to find this song one day after a Benny Swimm rehearsal. Ross, Stu, and I where heading in from the old courthouse and it came on. I didn't think of it much then, but the second time I heard it was again on the radio and I was with Ross and we cranked it. Just epic. I now the entire chorus and just rock out to it. Oh did I mention Richard Harris played Dumbledore in the Harry Potter movies? Yeah. Now it's that much more epic.
If the song is too long for you fast forward to about 4.50. That's when the best part starts.
This week's movie is:
Schindler's List

I can't say I'm a fan at all of Steven Spielberg, but I must say bravo. I'm ashamed I hadn't seen this until this week, but there's something about war time movies that takes a man and what he seems to be on the outside and transforms him into something completely opposite. Heroic, tragic, and beautiful. Liam Nelson is a brilliant actor, I knew that before this, but this movie just makes him so much bigger and better.
Next week I'll get off my classic rock bender.
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