So I love politics. I'll give you a brief over view of my political beliefs. I am a liberal socialist who believes in equity for all, as long as the country as a whole can thrive and produce. I believe in freedom and funding for arts. I hate war and don't think there is a place for Canada in it unless the world is in peril. In Canada I'd love to see a Jack Layton led country, but in my riding based on the last election the Green Party had the best candidate. Also are world is all we have in the end, so let's not destroy it.
In the following I will talk about two issues: Stephen Harper's decision to prorogue parliament and the sale of NB power.
Stephen Harper's Totalitarianism Rule Continues.
Big statement, eh? Probably a bit of an over statement, but you're a greedy ass bastard who doesn't have the best interest of the country in mind. You shut down parliament for months because you want even more power. The Liberal majority in the senate is the only light at the end of this awful tunnel. Our system is broken enough with a first past the post voting system that doesn't allow the Green Party, who won 13% of the vote, one seat in the house. That's a HUGE part of the population that isn't represented in our decision making process, however that's another topic. By pausing our countries progress and essentially putting us month behind other countries you are not showing that you are, not only an idiot, but that you have your own agenda. You lied to your voters and have inconvenienced, not just me, but EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN CANADA.
Hang Me! I support our Premier's Decision.
Hey economy? How've you been? Down in the dumps? That sucks, what are you doing to change that? What's that? Becoming more Socialist? Sounds like a great plan.
Hey N.B. Public. Fuck off. We've been taught to fear Socialism and Communism, because its evil. Well I have news for you. This is the best case scenario. Sure, we could have bargained more, but look at it this way: our failing economy is the worst in Canada. This will eliminate a HUGE amount of debt, have someone else who has some of the best power rates in the world, and take over our power situation which has been flawed for years and invest in green alternative fuels and energy.We are going to have cheaper power, healthier environment, and could possibly turn around this mess of a province. This could be the start of a new era in NB, Atlantic Canada, and all of Canada: A turn towards a better future. I support this with all my being. Although I haven't hit on all the points I know them and overall I know I feel this is right.
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